Women’s and Girls’ Day in Science at Fab Lab León
On Saturday, February 15, we celebrated Women’s and Girls’ Day in Science at Fab Lab León. We invited girls and young women from our extracurricular activities, who shared their experiences,
On Saturday, February 15, we celebrated Women’s and Girls’ Day in Science at Fab Lab León. We invited girls and young women from our extracurricular activities, who shared their experiences,
At The Code Lab, we believe in the power of coding to unlock limitless possibilities for the next generation. We are passionate about teaching kids to code and show them
By Samantha Carty, Momentum As part of our FabConnectHer partner meeting in lovely Leon, Spain, our hosts FabLabLeon hosted a workshop. The challenge was to create an e-monster, in the
At Fab Lab León, we are proud to be part of initiatives that promote inclusion and gender equality in the technology field. The Fab Connect Her project aligns perfectly with
For us, it symbolises all that our project is striving to incorporate. The FabConnectHer team were delighted to host a partner workshop with the originators of the model to learn
The future of innovation is female. So says the leaders of the FabConnectHer project, our new project aimed at addressing the gender gap in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and
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