Lesson Nine: Building and Launching Water Rockets

Learning Objectives

Shooting a coca cola bottle, transferred into a rocket, into the sky is conducted simultaneously with lessons on the universe and physics, students learn all about space, pressure and physics. As a practical activity, they make a water rocket. Video of the launcher will be available in resources. Water is necessary to make the rocket go higher.


  • Understand basic principles of physics, including pressure and forces.
  • Learn about space and rocket science.
  • Apply creativity in designing and decorating rockets.
  • Develop teamwork and collaboration skills

B&T dimensions and types covered


  1. Self-Confidence in Science and Technology. Students build their confidence as they successfully create rocket and make it fly.
  2. Technology Can Be Learned. The activity of taking a simple every day object and applying physics, step-by-step process, students learn about space pressure and physics.
  3. Practical Orientation. This activity focuses on hands-on learning by changing everyday material into something els using physics.


  • Creative Makers: This activity involves physically building and experimenting with objects, which resonates strongly with their preference for creating tangible objects.
  • Doer: Assembling the rocket, making it by hand
  • Explorers: Benefit from the guidance of building a rocket, helping them gain confidence while exploring elements of physics.

Grade Level

  • Elementary school (grades K/1–2/3/4/5/6)- from 5 to 10 years old
  • Intermediate school (3/4–5/6) from 8 to 12 years old
  • Middle school / junior high school (grades 5/6/7–8/9) from 11 to 15 years old
  • High school / senior high school (grades 9/10–12) from 15 to 17/18 years old


Natural Sciences: material properties.

Art: Designing, decorating the rocket

Mathematics: Measuring and mathematics


Preparation: Launching platform, pump

  • Empty Coca-Cola bottles (one per group)
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Tape and glue.
  • Water
  • Bicycle pump or air compressor.
  • Launch pad
  • Paints, markers, and other decorating materials

Safety rules & tips

Don’t push the pressure above 8 bar bottles can explode!

While launching beware of the direction of the rocket flying to (buildings, cars, people) best to do on a sports field!


2 hours

Lesson Plan

Building and Launching Water Rockets The students in class 2 will build and launch water rockets within 2 hours. The rockets are made from Coca-Cola bottles and cardboard. Students work in groups of 2 or 3. Two rockets will be launched simultaneously each turn, allowing the students to compete against each other.

Introduction (20 min)

  • Welcome and Overview (5 minutes)
  • Brief introduction to the project and its objectives.
  • Explain the scientific principles behind the water rockets: pressure, force, and how rockets launch.

Step-by-step development

Lesson on Space and Physics (15 minutes)

  • Discuss the basics of space and the universe.
  • Introduce the concept of pressure and how it propels rockets.
  • Use visual aids and videos to enhance understanding.

Group Formation and Material Distribution (10 minutes)

  • Divide students into groups of 2 or 3.
  • Distribute materials to each group.

Building the Water Rockets (30 minutes)

  • Design and Planning (5 minutes): Each group sketches their rocket design and plans decoration.
  • Cutting and Assembling (15 minutes):
  • Cut cardboard fins and nose cones.
  • Attach fins and nose cone to the Coca-Cola bottle using tape and glue.
  • Allow students to decorate their rockets using paints, markers, and other materials (10 minutes)

Preparing for Launch (10 minutes)

  • Demonstrate how to fill the bottle with water (about one-third full).
  • Show how to attach the bottle to the launch pad.
  • Ensure safety precautions are understood.

Launch Procedures (40 minutes)

  • Launch two rockets simultaneously for each turn.
  • Allow each group to have a turn.
  • Measure and record the height and speed of each launch.
  • Encourage students to cheer for their classmates and discuss the results.

Wrap-up & reflection

Discussion, conclusion and Reflection (10 minutes)

  • Discuss what happened during the launches.
  • Ask students what they learned about pressure, forces, and teamwork.
  • Reflect on what could be improved for future launches.


Cleanup and Organizing (10 minutes)

  • Ensure all materials are collected and the area is cleaned up.
  • Store reusable materials for future projects.

Extension activities

Related and supporting activities/modules


  • Participation and teamwork during the activity.
  • Creativity and effort in rocket design and decoration.
  • Understanding of scientific principles as demonstrated during discussion and reflection.

Extension Activities:

  • Research and present on different types of rockets used in space exploration.
  • Write a short essay or draw a picture of their favourite part of the activity.

Additional Resources

  • Building plan for rocket
  • Building plan for launch pad.
  • Video of the rocket launching
  • Download Files

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