Learning Objectives
Students will learn how to scan a human face, convert the scan to an STL file, and observe how a CNC router is used to machine the 3D model. This project integrates skills in 3D scanning, computer-aided design (CAD), and CNC machining.
B&T dimensions and types covered
- Dimension 2: Confidence in technological progress
- Dimension 3: Interest in New Technology: By learning how to scan a human face, convert the scan to an STL file, and learning how a CNC router is used.
- Explorer: Through the exercise the student gets to explore exiting new things available with scanning, 3D and CNC.
Grade Level
- Middle school / junior high school (grades 5/6/7–8/9) from 11 to 15 years old
- High School / College Level / Girls, Women 16 -30 Art, Design, Human tech.
Technology: Skills in 3D scanning, computer-aided design (CAD), and CNC machining.
Materials Needed:
- 3D scanner (e.g., Sense, Structure Sensor, Artec Eva, or similar)
- Computer with 3D scanning software (e.g., Meshmixer, Blender, or similar)
- CAD software (e.g., Fusion 360, Tinkercad, Aspire or similar)
- CNC router
- Material for CNC machining (plywood or Blue styrofoam, machinable wax or something thicker than 40mm )
- Safety equipment (goggles, ear protection, dust mask)
- USB drive or other data transfer methods
Safety rules & tips CNC router!
Total Time: 4 hours (Can be divided into 4 sessions)
- Session 1: Introduction to 3D Scanning and Face Scanning (1 hour)
- Session 2: Editing and Converting the Scan to an STL File (1 hour)
- Session 3: Preparing the STL File for CNC Machining (1 hour)
- Session 4: CNC Machining a 3D Model (1 hour)
Lesson Plan
Session 1: Introduction to 3D Scanning and Face Scanning (1 hour)
Step 1: Introduction (15 minutes)
- Briefly explain the project and its components.
- Discuss the principles of 3D scanning and its applications.
- Introduce the concept of converting a scanned object into a digital model for CNC machining.
Step-by-step development
Step 2: Setting Up the 3D Scanner (15 minutes)
- Demonstrate how to set up and calibrate the 3D scanner.
- Explain the importance of proper calibration for accurate scans.
Step 3: Scanning a Human Face (30 minutes)
- Choose a volunteer for the face scan.
- Show how to position the scanner and subject for optimal results.
- Guide students through the process of scanning the face, capturing all necessary angles.
- Split the face in half.
Session 2: Editing and Converting the Scan to an STL File (1 hour)
Step 1: Importing the Scan (15 minutes)
- Demonstrate how to import the scan into 3D editing software.
- Explain the basic interface and tools of the software being used.
Step 2: Cleaning Up the Scan (20 minutes)
- Show how to clean up the scan by removing any unwanted parts or noise.
- Teach students how to fill holes and smooth surfaces to improve the quality of the 3D model.
- Split the face in half and lay flat.
Step 3: Converting to STL (25 minutes)
- Guide students through the process of converting the cleaned-up scan to an STL file.
- Explain the importance of exporting the file in the correct format for CNC machining.
Session 3: Preparing the STL File for CNC Machining (1 hour)
Step 1: Importing the STL into CAD Software (15 minutes)
- Demonstrate how to import the STL file into CAD software.
- Explain the basic tools and interface of the CAD software.
Step 2: Preparing the Model for CNC Machining (30 minutes)
- Show how to orient the model for optimal machining.
- Lay the (half) face looking up.
- Explain how to set the dimensions, scale, and create supports/bridges* if necessary. (*small parts of wood to keep the model in place)
- Teach students how to generate toolpaths for the CNC router.
Step 3: Exporting the G-code (15 minutes)
- Guide students through the process of exporting the prepared model as G-code.
- Explain the importance of correct settings for the material and CNC router being used.
Session 4: CNC Machining a 3D Model (1 hour)
Step 1: Setting Up the CNC Router (15 minutes)
- Demonstrate how to set up the CNC router, including securing the material and loading the G-code.
- Emphasize safety procedures and the use of safety equipment.
Step 2: Machining the Model (30 minutes)
- Show how to start the CNC machining process and monitor its progress.
- Allow students to observe the machining process and discuss the steps involved.
Wrap-up & reflection
Step 3: Finishing Touches and Evaluation (15 minutes)
- Demonstrate how to remove the finished model from the CNC router and clean up any rough edges.
- Discuss the outcome of the project and any challenges faced during the process.
- Encourage students to reflect on what they learned and how they could apply these skills in future projects.
Extension activities
- Experiment with scanning different objects and creating STL files for CNC machining.
- Modify the STL file to add personalized features or designs before machining.
- Explore different materials and settings for CNC machining to see how they affect the final product.
- Using plywood to CNC route will give a nice design in layers
- Students will be assessed on their ability to scan a face, clean and convert the scan to an STL file, prepare the model for CNC machining, and successfully machine the model.
- Participation in discussions and troubleshooting sessions will also be considered.
Additional Resources
Stl file of a face
- Download Files